6 Reasons Why You Should Try Interval Training

Interval Training may be difficult but it will give you the results you want in literally no time

What Is Interval Training?
For all of those who may not know what it is, Interval training is when you change the speed and/or intensity throughout a run or workout while minimizing your rest periods. 

1. It’s Fast!
What if I told you that you can spend less time at the gym and still lose weight fast? I really would not be lying! Interval training is not only FAST but and EFFICIENT way to train when trying to lose weight. When your body is going back and forth between high and low intensity exercises, you’re actually developing a stronger anaerobic and aerobic fitness. What does this mean? You’re burning fat in less time!

2. It Strengthens The Most Important Muscle In Your Body
That’s your heart in case you were wondering. You make your heart work harder when you are participating in high intensity training. The more and more you do interval training, the stronger and stronger you heart gets! Don’t believe me? Take a look at  a study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) , which found that high intensity interval training effectively and efficiently boosts your cardiovascular (heart) health.

3. There’s Levels to This Sh*t
You can be a gym rat or you can be new to this exercise stuff (if you are, welcome!). The point is, we are all at different fitness levels and although I know everyone is capable at being great, you might not be at a high fitness level YET. Interval training is great because you can really tailor your workout to the fitness level you are at. Find out the best way achieve this HERE.

4. It Speeds Up Your Metabolism
Going on long runs are great (if you like that sort of thing, they kinda feel like a slow death to me), because when you exercise to the point where it’s hard to breathe ( because your body is using more oxygen), your metabolism has to work at a higher level. This helps you burn more calories (YAY!) during and AFTER you workout. Well guess what? You don’t have to go on a long run to achieve this, interval training accomplishes the same thing in way less time.

5. You Burn Fat not Muscle
Not all weight loss is good weight loss. You want to lose fat not muscle mass. If you lose muscle then you’re losing those toned legs or arms (sorry sis). Interval training will help you lose fat and keep the muscle. This is because as stated above, you’re burning calories during and after the workout, and because of this, your body will be burning fat all day long after a high intensity workout.

6. You Can Only Get Better!
While you’re doing interval training, you are training your body to recover at a faster rate. That means that you will be able to recover quicker in your (hopefully near) future workout sessions.

So now that you know what it is and why it’s good (more like great, amazing, unbelievably awesome?) for you check out our favourite interval training workouts.

