4 Breakfast Ideas for our On-The-Go Girls

We know being a girl boss means sacrificing a lot of things and for some reason we think breakfast is one of them. Well I think not! Here are 4 fast breakfast ideas for our on-the-go girls. 

1. Whole grain toast with peanut butter & banana 
This quick breakfast is super easy, fast, and filling. It has all of the right things to kick-start your body (fibre, protein & vitamin b-6) and fuel you for the long day ahead!

2. Wild berry protein smoothie
Get your body going with this flavor packed smoothie that not only gives you a good serving of
fruit, but protein as well.

Mix 1 cup of blueberries and 1/4 cup of raspberries & strawberries with greek yogurt, your choice of protein mix (my fav is vega all-in-one ) and almond milk then ENJOY!

3. Egg white sandwich with turkey bacon
Simple and easy. Get your protein and grains in quick with an egg white sandwich. You can add spinach or avocado
 to add more nutrients!

4. Quinoa fruit salad
Bet you never thought of this one huh? Quinoa is jam packed with protein, fibre and literally every other nutrient you can think of. Add a scoop of it to your fruit salad a reap the amazing benefits and give your body everything it needs to help you have a kick ass day.
